lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

Randy Pausch

Homenaje a un gran tipo

Ya es hora de darle (un poco de) seriedad a este blog. Hace apenas un par de días murió este hombre. Busquen información en Wikipedia y Youtube, sobre todo los discursos en Carnegie Mellon. Yo le escapo a esas cosas.

Parte de su pensamiento:
"If I'd given that lecture two years ago, when I was healthy, I suspect it wouldn't have become so widely viewed.

"I honestly don't know why it struck a chord. I think that there's an element of 'this guy is being completely authentic, since he has no reason not to be' and I sort of found a way to give what I would call 'old school' advice in a way that didn't come off as 'old school.' Plus, I think every parent can relate to the challenge of 'What would you want to tell your children if you knew you were going to die?'"

"The brick walls are there for a reason," he told his audience. "The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
Arreglense con la traducción. Hoy estoy vago.

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